


Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

M.A., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

B.A., Louisiana State University


  • College of Arts 和 Sciences
  • 英语


李·马丁·艾伯特 received his PhD in Modern Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2018. From 2005-2013 he taught at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 和 from 2014-2016 at the Department of 英语 at Cardinal Stritch University. His dissertation manuscript, L和scapes of Recovery, explores the tensions within post-Katrina literature between social displacement 和 cultural incorporation. Through discursive readings of a range of texts, including disaster recovery plans, creative nonfiction, activist literature, 和 public art projects, L和scapes of Recovery examines how the writings about 新奥尔良’ disaster maintain 和 remake social differences within the urban population. He has published articles in Antigonish审查 和 左转. His current research interests include the re-imagining of ethics in times of generalized social displacement, particularly in contexts of post-disaster literature 和 urban planning, 和 the uses put to the visibility of a globalized condition of dispossession of people displaced by war, 紧缩, 和 climate change.


  • Critical Reading 和 Writing
  • Autobiography 和 Life Writing
  • Persuasive Writing
  • 研究写作
  • Fundamentals of 英语
  • Composition 和 Reading
  • Introduction to Ethnic Minority Literature
  • Literature 和 Contemporary Life: Katrina in Context
  • Introduction to College Writing